Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Complete Guide to IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) used by many developers. Mastering its shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity. This guide covers essential shortcuts and provides examples of how to use them effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. Navigation Shortcuts
  2. Editing Shortcuts
  3. Code Completion and Generation
  4. Refactoring Shortcuts
  5. Search and Replace
  6. Running and Debugging
  7. Version Control
  8. Miscellaneous
Shortcut Function Example
Ctrl+N / Cmd+O Go to Class Type "MainA" to find
Ctrl+Shift+N / Cmd+Shift+O Go to File Type "style" to find styles.xml
Ctrl+E / Cmd+E Recent Files
Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right / Cmd+Option+Left/Right Navigate Back/Forward
Ctrl+B / Cmd+B Go to Declaration Place cursor on 'name' and use the shortcut to jump to its declaration
Ctrl+Alt+B / Cmd+Option+B Go to Implementation
Ctrl+F12 / Cmd+F12 File Structure
Ctrl+G / Cmd+L Navigate to Line
Alt+Down/Up / Control+Down/Up Next/Previous Method

2. Editing Shortcuts

Shortcut Function Example
Ctrl+Space Basic Code Completion Press Ctrl+Space to see methods like toLowerCase()
Ctrl+Shift+Space Smart Code Completion
Ctrl+W / Option+Up Extend Selection
Ctrl+Shift+W / Option+Down Shrink Selection
Ctrl+/ / Cmd+/ Comment/Uncomment Lines
Ctrl+D / Cmd+D Duplicate Line or Selection
Ctrl+Y / Cmd+Backspace Delete Line
Alt+Shift+Up/Down / Option+Shift+Up/Down Move Line Up/Down
Alt+Click / Option+Click Multiple Cursors
Alt+Shift+Insert / Cmd+Shift+8 Column Selection Mode

3. Code Completion and Generation

Shortcut Function Example
Alt+Insert / Cmd+N Generate Code Use this shortcut to generate a constructor in a Java class
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Complete Statement Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to complete with braces
Ctrl+Alt+T / Cmd+Option+T Surround With Select a block of code and use this shortcut to surround it with a try-catch block
Ctrl+J / Cmd+J Insert Live Template Type "sout" and use this shortcut to insert System.out.println()
Ctrl+J / Cmd+J Postfix Completion Expands "someString.notnull" to "if(someString != null) { ... }"

4. Refactoring Shortcuts

Shortcut Function Example
Shift+F6 Rename
Ctrl+Alt+M / Cmd+Option+M Extract Method
Ctrl+Alt+N / Cmd+Option+N Inline
Ctrl+Alt+V / Cmd+Option+V Extract Variable
Ctrl+F6 / Cmd+F6 Change Method Signature
Ctrl+Alt+E / Cmd+Option+E Extract Interface
F6 Move Class
Shortcut Function Example
Ctrl+F / Cmd+F Find Search for a text string within the current file
Ctrl+R / Cmd+R Replace
Ctrl+Shift+F / Cmd+Shift+F Find in Path Search across the entire project
Ctrl+Shift+R / Cmd+Shift+R Replace in Path

6. Running and Debugging

Shortcut Function Example
Shift+F10 Run Execute the application or test
Shift+F9 Debug
Ctrl+F8 / Cmd+F8 Toggle Breakpoint
F8 Step Over
F7 Step Into
Shift+F8 Step Out
Alt+F9 / Option+F9 Run to Cursor

7. Version Control

Shortcut Function Example
Ctrl+K / Cmd+K Commit Changes
Ctrl+T / Cmd+T Update Project
Alt+` / Option+` VCS Operations Popup
Ctrl+Alt+Z / Cmd+Option+Z Revert Changes

8. Miscellaneous

Shortcut Function Example
Ctrl+Shift+A / Cmd+Shift+A Find Action
Ctrl+Shift+F12 / Cmd+Shift+F12 Toggle Maximize Editor
Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S Save All
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T / Cmd+Shift+Option+T Surround With


This guide covers a wide range of shortcuts available in IntelliJ IDEA. Remember, these shortcuts may vary slightly depending on your operating system and IntelliJ IDEA version. You can always check and customize shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA by going to File > Settings > Keymap (on Windows/Linux) or IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Keymap (on macOS).

Practice these shortcuts regularly, and you'll find your productivity increasing significantly as you become more proficient with IntelliJ IDEA. As you become comfortable with these shortcuts, you may want to explore even more advanced features and customizations available in IntelliJ IDEA.

Happy coding!


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