1. Java
- Learning Curve: Medium
- Java is one of the top programming language right now and most of its success goes to the Android Operating System that has captured more than 80% of the mobile OS market.
- Java is a versatile language, providing OOP, functional programming out of the box. It also follows all the modern programming methodologies and try to enhance Object Oriented Methodology.
- Java Technologies can also be used for creating awesome websites and enterprise-level web applications that solve the problems of the future. The apps created using the Java Programming language are scalable and is supported by Google App Engine for hosting purposes.
- Features of Java:
- Easy to write and debug
- Pure Object Oriented Language
- Robust, Multithread and Architecture neutral
- Homepage: Java Oracle
2. Python
- Learning Curve: Easy
- Python is one of the succinct programming languages that yields from the basic philosophy of minimum and clean code.
- There are tons of courses online from Udacity, Coursera, and other Massive Open Online Course platform that improves on the premises of starting with the simplest yet the most powerful programming language of all time.
- Python is a multi-purpose programming language and can be used to build almost anything. Another staggering fact about python is its use in data science and other scientific endeavors.
- Features of Python:
- Simple and Easy to learn
- Used as introductory language to newbie programmers
- Great Programming language for Scientists
- Supports OPPs and Functional Programming
- HomePage: Python
3. C#
- Learning Curve: Medium, Easy Only if already know Java
- C# is one of the close brothers of Java but works on Windows platforms only. When I started learning C#, the similarities between C# and Java was way beyond my likings.
- C# is one of the top languages as it helps the programmers to build modern web applications with ‘.NET’ framework and Azure.
- You can also choose to create apps that work on the desktop, as well as portable Windows devices. The recent release of Windows 10 have made prospects of this programming language way better than other programming languages.
- For gaming, a popular gaming development engine, Unity is all created using C# as its primary language.
- Recent News of .NET framework becoming open source has also changed the prospects and growth of Microsoft and the C# programming language.
- Features of C#:
- Similar to JAVA
- Pure Object Oriented
- Can be used to do almost anything including web programming, game programming.
- Homepage: Resources and More Information
4. C++
- Learning Curve: Hard
- If you are interested in low-level programming, then look no further than C++. C++ is famous for its system call libraries and can be used to control every aspect of the Operating System. The reason behind such control is the fact that it can call hardware related operations and ultimately gives the control in the hands of the programmer.
- The current generation Direct X are all developed in C++ programming language as C++ is scalable, less memory hogger and works perfectly on the different set of devices, i.e. completely portable.
- Features of C++:
- Build upon the most popular language, C
- Supports OOPs
- Supports functional programming
- Homepage: ISOCPP
5. PHP
- Learning Curve: Easy
- PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the world’s most used server-side scripting language. All the magic that happens behind the door of the server is performed by a server-side scripting language such as PHP.
- PHP oriented CMS are already popular in the market. Some of the popular CMS that uses PHP as its core languages are WordPress, Magento, Joomla and more.
- PHP also offers a great deal of frameworks to work with. Some of the popular PHP frameworks are Yii, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symphony, Larval and more.
- PHP works great with database oriented applications and can harness a lot, if properly used. Facebook has also launched a modified version of PHP, known as HACK programming languages.
- Features of PHP:
- Supports OOP
- Works great with HTTP
- Handles Data and forms efficiently
- Works for Persistent Connection and more
- Homepage: PHP
6. JavaScript
- Learning Curve: Easy-Medium
- JavaScript is the lingua franca of the web and also the no.2 programming language in our top programming language list. Without JavaScript, we would never have been able to manipulate those HTML DOM elements and create some amazing front-end interaction with the user.
- JavaScript has evolved a lot in the past 10 years and now-a-days, a lot of JavaScript frameworks are linked to its success. Frameworks such as Angular.js, Ember.js and other provide more value to the programming language.
- A great tool for the front-end developer.
- Features of JavaScript:
- Similar to C
- Detects browser and loads browser specific information
- Support functional and OOP
- Can be used to validate user’s input
- Learn more about JavaScript: MDN JavaScript
7. Swift
- Learning Curve: Depends
- There is no doubt in my mind that Swift is here to stay. Just a year old, the programmming language has brough a lot of oppurtunity to the iOS develoeprs in term of new features, which might include writing less code and developing faster codes.
- An interesting article shows the recreation of one of the most notorious(read popular games) Flappy Bird using the swift programming language.
- Features of Swift:
- Modern
- Designed for safety
- Fast and Powerful
- Homepage: Swift
8. R
- Learnign Curve: Medium
- R is not really a programming language, but it is one of the most popular stastical language used by scientist all over the world. You can learn more about R here.
- Features of R:
- Supports Input/Output files
- Object Oriented Programming
- Distributed Computing
- Supports tons of R packages for array of tasks
- Homepage: R
9. Ruby
- Learning Curve: Easy-Medium
- Ruby hails from the land of fast protoyping and agile development. If you are looking to get started with any project that require agile development and also needs to be develop prototypes faster, then Ruby is for you.
- Web applications can be built using Ruby on Rails framework with tons of learning resources available online for both free and paid.
- Also, online learning platform such as Udacity, Coursera and others provide tons of resources for learning Ruby and its framework Ruby on Rails.
- Features of Ruby:
- Supports OOP and functional programming
- Great for Prototyping and Agile Development
- Easy to learn for newbie programmers.
- Bonus: A great resource that compares Ruby programming language with other programming languages. Must read for Ruby enthusiast.
- Homepage: Ruby
10. Objective-C
- Learning Curve: Depends
- Objective C is the predecessor of the newest entrant of iOS programming language Swift that created ripples last year. Still, the frontier of iOS programming is still hot and can be learned.
- Apple has released both XCode and Objective-C that works in tandem to create wonderful apps for their operating system.
- Features of Objectve-C:
- Creates app for iOS operating System
- Large Community
- Homepage: Objective-C
images: statisticstimes.com |
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